I did a bit of blocking yesterday afternoon. The boomerang is finished and it is a great size for a scarf. If you want it bigger then you keep working pattern repeats.
Pattern: Crazy Magic Boomerang (purchased on Ravelry)
Yarn: 1 ball of Zauberball 100 - colour 1699
Pattern: 3 Color Cashmere Cowl from Joji (pattern purchased on Ravelry)
Yarn: One String Quintet kit from Lorna's Laces - I used Tuba
The box from Fiberstory finally arrived and the new colours of Fave sock are calling me.
We have been in our house for almost a year so I decided it was time to set up my sewing room. I got out some fabric tonight and played with a quilt idea. The thought was right but my numbers were off. Tomorrow night I'll try again. 10pm isn't a good time to be thinking numbers and trying to add fractions and make it all work.
Pattern: Crazy Magic Boomerang (purchased on Ravelry)
Yarn: 1 ball of Zauberball 100 - colour 1699
Pattern: 3 Color Cashmere Cowl from Joji (pattern purchased on Ravelry)
Yarn: One String Quintet kit from Lorna's Laces - I used Tuba
The box from Fiberstory finally arrived and the new colours of Fave sock are calling me.
A 100% SUPERWASH merino, springy 2 ply with a tight twist and the look of a cabled yarn.
Perfect for a comfy pair of socks or any other project calling for a fingering weight yarn!There are 366m (400yards) on a 100gram skein.
We have been in our house for almost a year so I decided it was time to set up my sewing room. I got out some fabric tonight and played with a quilt idea. The thought was right but my numbers were off. Tomorrow night I'll try again. 10pm isn't a good time to be thinking numbers and trying to add fractions and make it all work.