The ends are sewn in. Actually, I had to do them twice because I sewed them in on the right side of the shawl the first time. That wasn't the best way to start the day.
Pattern: Find Your Fade (purchased on Ravelry)
Yarn: Rockshelter Sock - 1 skein each of
146 Holding Hands
144 Boy in Green
65 Strawberry Rhubarb Pie
38 Palenque
98 Hedgerow Flora
122 Tridacna
133 Malachite
I didn't realize how quickly I knit this. I started on February 22. Just over a month. And the knitting has been done for a week.
The yarn was amazing to work with. The colours are fun and you want to keep knitting to get to the next one. I was a bit worried about the teal colours. Sometimes teal (as well as red, navy, dark green and black) can bleed when you soak it. There wasn't a drop of dye in the water.
A large shipment of Rockshelter should be here in a couple of weeks. Here are a few of the colours coming.
Fragrant Flowering Tobacco
Hippy Chick
Snow Covered Phlox
What a beautiful day. I need to get the license sticker for the mustang so it can come out of the garage. Today would have been the perfect day.
Pattern: Find Your Fade (purchased on Ravelry)
Yarn: Rockshelter Sock - 1 skein each of
146 Holding Hands
144 Boy in Green
65 Strawberry Rhubarb Pie
38 Palenque
98 Hedgerow Flora
122 Tridacna
133 Malachite
I didn't realize how quickly I knit this. I started on February 22. Just over a month. And the knitting has been done for a week.
The yarn was amazing to work with. The colours are fun and you want to keep knitting to get to the next one. I was a bit worried about the teal colours. Sometimes teal (as well as red, navy, dark green and black) can bleed when you soak it. There wasn't a drop of dye in the water.
A large shipment of Rockshelter should be here in a couple of weeks. Here are a few of the colours coming.
Fragrant Flowering Tobacco
Hippy Chick
Snow Covered Phlox
What a beautiful day. I need to get the license sticker for the mustang so it can come out of the garage. Today would have been the perfect day.