I did a bit of blocking this afternoon. The Issa Cowl is lying out and Free Your Fade had a nice long bath.
The first half of Starting Point is finished.
Now that the stitch count is correct, it's time to knit.
The first half of Starting Point is finished.
This amazing wrap is worked from both ends towards the centre with a super fun chevron construction, and joined as you work (no seaming or kitchener required!).
We have had the best time putting together tons of color combinations, and we have determined that there is not a single bad combo ;) Even the monochromatic versions look stunning!The second half is back on track. I took out six rows and now my stitch count is correct. You increase every right side row to 171 stitches. I was merrily knitting away and kept increasing. I had a few too many stitches. For a lot of patterns I could have just kept going and my shawl would end up a bit wider. That wouldn't work here - the two halves of the shawl would be different sizes.
Now that the stitch count is correct, it's time to knit.