New bags just arrived from Atenti. They are gorgeous. These bags are sewn in the US and the workmanship is amazing.
All the Atenti bags are on the website.
I fell in love with this bag the minute I saw it. It could be coming home with me. I'm chuckling as I read this sentence. I could say this about every bag we received.
Yes, I did take this Hope Basket home. The minute I saw the fabric I knew we needed it. Don't worry, I ordered a few so you can have one too.
Where are the boxes from Autumn and Indigo? I wanted needed them here yesterday :) Claire put in for a UPS pick up but UPS didn't show up. She drove them to the UPS store and they are on the way to us. The UPS website says that the boxes should be delivered on Tuesday. They'll be on the same truck as the madelinetosh. We'll have a lot of yarn to unpack.
Beth planted the last few flowers at the store. Once they bloom it is going to be very bright!
We had dinner out with friends and now it's time to knit. I'm just about to start fading in colour 3. I'll try and get some pictures tomorrow.
All the Atenti bags are on the website.
I fell in love with this bag the minute I saw it. It could be coming home with me. I'm chuckling as I read this sentence. I could say this about every bag we received.
Yes, I did take this Hope Basket home. The minute I saw the fabric I knew we needed it. Don't worry, I ordered a few so you can have one too.
Beth planted the last few flowers at the store. Once they bloom it is going to be very bright!
We had dinner out with friends and now it's time to knit. I'm just about to start fading in colour 3. I'll try and get some pictures tomorrow.