I had a whole blog post written in my head and then Kirk Dunn stopped in. After talking with Kirk and then downloading these amazing pictures from his website I decided that I'll save my other pictures for tomorrow. Nothing I have can compare to these.
I first met Kirk 15 years ago as he was starting his journey to knit these amazing stained glass windows. They are huge. They are amazing. Can you imagine trying to block them? I think that Alex might be crying right now thinking about that.
Kirk stopped in today to talk about his show The Knitting Pilgrim.
An international textile exhibition, one-hour theatrical play and talkback tour about knitting together the Abrahamic faiths.
Kirk Dunn has been knitting Stitched Glass, his textile installation of 3 hand-knit tapestries, each 5 ft by 8 ft in size, exploring the commonalities and differences of the Abrahamic faiths, for 15 years. Starting in May of 2019, Ergo Arts Theatre will tour the textile exhibition alongside a one-hour theatrical play called The Knitting Pilgrim, performed by Kirk, animating the exhibition. The evening of exhibition and play can also feature a panel discussion about the issues of interfaith understanding, compassion and empathy.
The Knitting Pilgrim is a one-act interdisciplinary performance using theatre, image projection and the remarkable Stitched Glass tapestries which explore the commonalities and conflicts of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The play, performed by Kirk Dunn, recounts his fifteen-year artistic and spiritual journey of hand-knitting the ambitious project, and his hope to contribute to the vital conversation about xenophobia, interfaith strife and fear of the other.
You can see The Knitting Pilgrim in Hamilton during the Hamilton Fringe Festival. Then he will be visiting other Ontario locations.
“Kirk’s commitment to seeing this remarkable 15-year project through is outstanding. He has taken an accessible medium like knitting and not only placed it in the Museum, but used it to communicate ideas that can help repair our social fabric. And then to combine it with a piece of theatre - that is to truly create a unique offering.”
— Nataley Nagy, Executive Director, Kelowna Art Gallery
“In the knitting world where grey and beige plain sweaters seem to rule, how extraordinary to find this energetic man knitting such detailed and intricate color. I applaud his moxie!”
— Kaffe Fassett, Textile Artist
“The Knitting Pilgrim is astounding and the opportunity to engage with it and Kirk’s amazing story-telling talent is a much needed balm for our age, for any age.”
— Peter Smith, Project & Creative Director, Canadian Centre for Rural Creativity