More dominos and knitting tonight. I made it through the first repeat of the chart. This is going to be a short post because I’m obsessed. My goal is to be to the armholes by tomorrow afternoon.
I really like how the Akari is working. It isn’t going to be a heavy sweater. I am thinking about a modification - a big turtle neck. Stephen West has a new shawl. Meet Chevrollelogram. You can purchase the pattern on Ravelry.Photos © Stephen West.
This DK weight shawl features four colors faded together as you knit sideways from wingtip to wingtip. Textured stitches like twisted ribbing, seed stitch, and garter stitch decorate the chevrons. The jagged edges are achieved by suddenly casting on or binding off stitches. You can also knit this shawl in one color to exaggerate the texture of this shawl.
We had the holes in the putting green filled in. Boscoe runs and runs and we were afraid that he would step in a hole.
I thought it was going to be a short post and it didn’t turn out that short. The baseball game is on and my knitting is calling me.