There are 21 color bands in the throw and 14 in the baby blanket. For the throw, each band takes about 110 yards; for the baby blanket each band takes about 80 yards. The first band takes slightly more yardage - about 5%.
I first became aware of hand-knitting when I noticed a beautiful afghan that my mother had knit before I was born. It’s probably the reason I asked her to teach me how to knit and I’ve always been drawn to similar stitch patterns. I had a bin full of single skeins of worsted-weight yarn begging to be knit into an afghan, so I reverse engineered my Mom’s (since I could never find the pattern), made a couple of small adjustments, and Annie’s Song is the result. I loved knitting this. It’s mostly just stockinette and it was so much fun playing with colors. I hope you’ll enjoy it too! (Mom kept hers in a jelly roll on the couch. I had no idea until I found it in a closet recently that it was 10 feet long! I wish I’d discovered this while she was still around to ask about it!)
Laura used Cascade 220 but any worsted weight yarn will work.