Lynn emailed me earlier today
My sock yarn is wound, I have watched Andrea's German twisted cast on video and I am ready to cast on today...let the competition begin.
(I hate housework on knitting competition weekends....LOL)
I didn’t do the German twisted cast on. I might be upset later about it but I was ready to start last night and couldn’t sit down and concentrate. I probably should have taken a bit more time and read the pattern correctly. It says to rib for 1/2” or 1cm. I did 1” of ribbing. I ripped it back to the correct length and got on my way. I’m enjoying the pattern.
I have a feeling that I will be further than Lynn on Tuesday when she comes to work but she will finish both socks before me.
I tried to write more but it was a long day. I’m heading to bed soon - tomorrow is a long day. Masters. Football. Football. Sock knitting.
You better get knitting Lynn!!