I took this picture of my Cinnabar yesterday afternoon.
There was a bit of knitting last night and this afternoon. Here it is now. The knitting was getting tight on my needle when I realized that I was still on an 80cm circular. Now I’m on a 100cm needle and the stitches are sliding much easier.Here are two of Boscoe’s favourite spots to lie.
If we can’t find him we look in the powder room.
I mentioned quietly to dad and Beth that the deer haven’t been in the garden yet. When I arrived at the store yesterday morning there were bites out of a few plants but not too bad. This morning all the plants were intact.
It was very noisy in our neighbourhood this weekend. A lot of fireworks. This led to a lot of knitting because there wasn’t any sense going to bed early. Friday night they were still going off at 12:30. Last night it was midnight.
If we can’t find him we look in the powder room.
At the front door waiting for dad and Lucy.
I mentioned quietly to dad and Beth that the deer haven’t been in the garden yet. When I arrived at the store yesterday morning there were bites out of a few plants but not too bad. This morning all the plants were intact.
Fingers crossed we will have an early night tonight.