The new colours of Kureyon have been photographed and are available online and in the store. I need to go through the older colours and photograph them but that wasn’t a job to start today. I thought about it and then gave my head a shake.
Our next shipment from Atenti has reached Toronto.It is with Canada Customs now and fingers crossed the box is released soon. Since I started my post I received an email that it has cleared and we should see the shipment this week. This is the Wild Garden Hope Basket. There are a few other Hope Baskets coming including Posy.
My second Inclinations Cowl.
It feels like we have been waiting forever for our Lykke Blush Double Pointed Needle Sets. Okay, it’s been a year. They are finally on the way.
Our next shipment from Atenti has reached Toronto.
Dad, Beth and the dogs are home. They are all very tired. Sitting on the dock fishing is very tiring.
Survivor is on and I’m going to finish Elah. I have 20 rows on my sleeve and then the ribbing. I should be blocking it this weekend.
I am going to reward myself with a new Inclinations Shawl when I am finished. It will be perfect knitting for Camp weekend. Once you get going the pattern is easy to memorize.
Photo © Andrea Mowry |
It was cold this morning. Sweater weather is here 😀.