We’re getting new lights. I was here at 8am to meet the electrician. That might have been a bit early for me 😢.
We can see in the fingering weight room again. The lights behind the cash desk are working now as well.
There is something brand new coming from Rowan next week. I was able to pack mail orders and then unpack a box of Addi Turbo needles and Zauberball. The website has been updated and I started on a newsletter.
I did a large Cascade order and found out that there are new colours of Cascade 220 Superwash Merino. These are ordered but I don’t know if they are in stock. It will be a surprise when the boxes arrive.Brand new colours of Noro Ito should be arriving before the end of the month.
I did a large Cascade order and found out that there are new colours of Cascade 220 Superwash Merino. These are ordered but I don’t know if they are in stock. It will be a surprise when the boxes arrive.Brand new colours of Noro Ito should be arriving before the end of the month.
The 6am alarm is now kicking my butt. I need to be up earlyish tomorrow to clean up the mess in the store. Baskets are everywhere and displays need to be put back together. I might have a few rows left in me before bed. Knitting with a yarn that changes colour isn’t always a good thing. Just one more row to see what colour comes next.