This is the Make Your Marl Bandana from Susan Ashcroft. The pattern can be purchased on Ravelry.
Susan used one strand of Malabrigo Rios with one strand of Malabrigo Mohair. You have many, many yarn options.
The new treat at our house is Lemon Loaf. Beth and I made this last night and need to ice it tonight. We found this recipe online that is called The Best Lemon Loaf (Better-Than-Starbucks Copycat). It is better than Starbucks! The recipe is very easy. It says that the prep time is 10 minutes and it might be 15 minutes but no longer than that. You can download the recipe here. It prints off in large font and is easy to follow.It’s iced and there is some missing.
With everything happening around LYS Day I totally forgot to order the new Laine Magazine. It’s on order and we should have it next week. As soon as I have confirmation that it is on the way I will put the book online.