We had a great day yesterday. The house was full with lots of laughter and food.Before the crowd arrived. I know we aren’t supposed to have favourites but Boscoe is dad’s boy.
When it was dinner time we pushed the couch dad is on out of the way and set up two long tables here. Another table was in the entrance and everyone was able to sit for dinner.Jackson and Fred needed some quiet time. It was the first event for Fred and he was a bit overwhelmed.
This is from Joji’s Instagram page.Thank you Jones Bakery for the amazing cake.
Here is a sneak peek at a new bag coming from Della Q next month. I am so excited! I don’t have any knitting to share tonight. We slept in and then had breakfast at dad’s. There was a really long nap this afternoon and then dinner. Now it’s time for baseball and football.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend.