Yesterday I showed Isabell Kraemer’s new shawl. Here is her new sweater (pattern can be purchased on Ravelry).
Mia Cara is worked seamlessly from the top down. The back is worked in plain Stockinette stitch while the front features a texture pattern panel in the center. Knitting starts with the cast-on of the shoulders for the back. Once the short row shaped shoulder slope is done, the back is worked flat to underarm. Shoulder stitches are picked up to work the front to the same length. At underarm front and back are joined to work the body top down in rounds to the hem. Sleeve stitches are picked up around the arm openings to work the sleeves top down in rounds. Neck finishing is worked last.
The slightly higher tension of the slip stitch pattern results in a slightly raised, curved front edge. If you don’t like the cute hi-lo effect, you can straighten the hemline by blocking the center front a little more.

Beauty Balance