It’s been a year since Caitlin Hunter’s Alpine Bloom pattern came out. You can purchase the pattern on Ravelry.
Alpine Bloom is a light summer tee knit from the top down featuring a sweet lace neckline and sleeves and a Scandinavian-inspired floral colorwork yoke. Short rows are worked at the back neck for an improved fit. The sleeves are knitted separately and grafted on. Instructions are given for lengthening the body as desired and for simple ribbed sleeve cuffs if you’d prefer not to graft the sleeves on.
I finished my Alpine Bloom and wore it for LYS Day. I need to get pictures of me wearing the sweater so I’m showing some progress pictures. I love it and would definitely make it again. I made up a few more combinations yesterday. I want to make sure that the flowers really show so there is a contrast between the main colour and the flower colour. If you are going to put the effort in to do the colour work then I think it should pop.
There hasn’t been any knitting at my house for a week. We’re all trying to get into a routine and right now that is getting up early to get dad, Beth and the dogs off to work. Unfortunately waking up early means going to bed early.😢 Hopefully I will have some time over the weekend to pull my needles out.