I was on a mission today. First stop was the mall to go to Kay’s Jewellers. Every December we buy bears there and all the proceeds go to St. Judes hospital. Our lawyer’s daughter does research at St Judes so it is extra special to purchase the bears.
Then onto the Bellagio. The Conservatory didn’t disappoint.
Now I’m inspired to get home and set up our tree. We are decorating this year. For the past few years we haven’t but I convinced Beth that we could this year. I think it could be the carrying of everything from the basement. When we take it down this year we’ll put it in the garage - ready to move. We’ll need to figure out a way to make it so the dogs can’t get near the tree.Ball one is almost finished. When I finish my post I’m going to knit a few more rows. The colours are making me very happy.