Today was spent packing boxes and shoveling snow.There is a pile starting in my room.
Now it’s time to get back to my tape gun and boxes. The official moving date is March 6th which is going to be here before we know it.
We had a crazy amount of snow yesterday and then the winds came up today. The backyard is filled with drifts. Boscoe and Jackson don’t want to spend time outside - there is too much snow and it’s too cold.
Unfortunately the city didn’t plow our road until 3 this afternoon. That was the first time since the snow started on Saturday. There was a lot of snow on the road and the plow pushed it back into the driveway. It took a while to make it so we can get out in the morning.
There was a bit of knitting this afternoon. I’m caught up on my Temperature Blanket. Now it’s time to get back to my tape gun and boxes. The official moving date is March 6th which is going to be here before we know it.