The show is closed. It's sad that we are flying home tomorrow but I'm also excited about getting back to work. The new spring yarns are going to be arriving very soon.

"CustomFit is a website that makes custom patterns for handknit sweaters."
Amy Herzog has created an awesome website You can have a sweater (or cardigan) pattern for any yarn in any size. No more sleeves that are too long or too short. The shoulders will always fit you. There could be darts to help the garment fit you in the bust. It is awesome!!
I could write for hours but I'm working on my iPad and this blog post really needs my laptop so that I can add in links and more pictures and videos from Amy's website. I will revisit this again when I get home.
You can log in yourself and create your own account. Take your measurements, knit your swatch and buy the pattern.
We have also created a store account. We will be able to take your measurements and help you with the pattern. I need to play with the site and make a few practice patterns first-the first being for me-Amy took my measurements so I know that they are correct. I need to make sure that I'm doing the measuring properly. We should be ready to go next week.
If you look at Amy's website and think that this is something for you, please come in and see me. We can choose your yarn so that you can get a swatch knit and then we can make an appointment for you to come in have measurements done. Right now I'm thinking that I will make appointments for Friday mornings before we open at noon and on Monday evenings when Nadine is teaching knitting classes.

Amy has updated some of her patterns to include recipes. You make your custom fit pattern and use the recipe to add in stitch pattern like cables. She will be adding more patterns and other designers are going to start making recipes as well.
I'm like a little kid. This is the view from our window. I keep jumping up to see what the boats are doing. And then a helicopter flies over so I want to see where it's going. I can also see the planes taking off at the airport in the distance. It's all very distracting in a very good way.

This boat (very large, very expensive boat) was docked by the convention centre in the first berth closest to our room. Most days it was still dark out when I left the room and dark when we came home so I didn't get a better picture. It just moved out this afternoon. If I could only sell a bit (ok-many, many, many bits) more yarn....

This is the convention centre. It is huge. Thank goodness our hall is at this end by our hotel.

Petco Park is right across the road. Too bad it isn't baseball season.
I'm sad to be leaving but getting home is always good.