Channel: A Really Good Yarn
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September Dream Club


The September Dream Club has arrived.

The colour is amazing!

The yarn is Jilly. 100% superwash merino. 400m / 440 yards

The pattern
Something Autumnal,  a shawl by Romi Hill: a beautiful, traditionally German, “Handtuch” shaped shawl with a slight curve to the edges which fits gracefully over the shoulders. 
The cost is $29.75. This is for the yarn and a Ravelry code to download the pattern.

Also in the box from Dream in Color

Classy with Cashmere. There are 12 colours, 2 skeins each.

The cowl is finished. Yes, I even sewed in the ends (all two of them)

Pattern: Jetsetter (purchased on Ravelry)
Yarn: Freia Bulky - one ball - I used the colour Nautilus
Needles: 12mm, 60cm circular

Our football draft went fairly well last night.
Our team is Girls Rule. B isn't too bad. I think we received a D last year so we're moving up.

I'm sitting in my sewing room/office working on a blog post, Camp, updating the website and the Knitter's Fair all at the same time. There are two computers on and my printer is humming. I'm trying to finish up quickly so that I can see the Jays game. There is also a ball of yarn calling my name. Of course I brought home some Classy with Cashmere to try.

Party of Five

The Party of Five kits from sweetgeorgia yarns are on the way from Vancouver. I think that they could be in the store tomorrow sometime.
These five-colour gradient sets are currently available in Tough Love Sock. Each set contains five 105-yard mini-skeins for a total of 525 yards.

What will a kit make? How about Magmatic Boom (pattern purchased on Ravelry)

This is sweetgeorgia's sample from TNNA. They added beads for a bit of bling. I have finished mine and it just needs to have the ends sewn in. The Tough Love Sock is amazing to knit with. And Felicia's colours choices are great.

In case you missed our newsletter that went out yesterday, some of the sock yarns in the store are on sale.
For the month of September, all in stock, commercially dyed sock yarns are on sale. 

20% off
10 or more balls 25% off
20 or more balls 30% off
Lana Grossa
These are the self-striping or self-patterning sock yarns. 

These yarns are a blend of superwash wool and nylon. 100grams will make a pair of ladies socks.

Not included in the sale - madelinetosh, Mrs. Crosby, Lorna's Laces, Malabrigo, Manos, Fiberstory, Prism, SweetGeorgia, Mountain Colors, Dream in Color, Classic Elite, Freia Fibers and Zen Yarn Garden.


Mr. Canada Post brought in a box from Lynda this morning

Pattern: Gail (purchased on Ravelry)
Yarn: Charly Print Melange from Filatura di Crosa
Needles: 5mm and 6.5mm

Our model is the smaller size and took 12 balls. If you choose the larger size you will need 14 balls of Charly. Not a fan of a multi-coloured yarn? Charly also comes in solid colours and tweeds.

I was going to ask Lynn to put the poncho on for pictures but it was a little warm. Feels like 38. Ugh. I'm sorry for everyone who had to work outside today. I'm sorry that I complained about the heat when I was able to work inside.
The yarn from Fiberstory arrived. I've decided that the colours really aren't that nice so the yarn won't be going on the shelf and it's all going home with me :) The colours are more beautiful than I remembered. The yarn will be available in the store this week and the beginning of next week. It will be packed up Thursday to head to Kitchener.

It's double eviction night on Big Brother. Always a good evening. Plus we have The Amazing Race from last night to watch. More knitting for me. I'm working on a cowl in Classy with Cashmere.

The yarn is super soft and the colours are amazing!

Shawl Pins

At the last trade show, Bonnie Bishoff debuted new shawl pins in wild colours. Mr. Canada Post just brought in a box full of them.
I loved them and asked her if she could use those colours in bigger shawl pins. She did and they look amazing!

I am the only shop in North America who has the large shawl pins in these colours.

There are new pewter pins as well.

I forgot to bring my knitting with me today. Seriously. This has to stop. I used the time to finish a scarf that Beth knit. There were ends to sew in. Some day she is going to learn how to do it. But probably not. It's easier to have Cathy, Lynn or myself do it for her.

Pattern: Fernanda Circular Scarf (pattern purchased on Ravelry)
Yarn: 2 balls of Freia Bulky

We decided to leave it as a scarf and not join into a cowl.

Since there wasn't any knitting today, it's time to do some now.

Yarn and Soul

Lynn brought in her recently finished shawl. It is super soft with great drape.

Pattern: Ishbel (purchased on Ravelry)
Yarn: one skein of Yarn and Soul
Needles: 4mm

All colours are currently in stock. Coming to the Knitters' Fair? We're taking Yarn and Soul with us and will have a few more samples finished by then. Cathy finished a shawl that I'm dying to see. She's blocking it this weekend and I'll post pictures when she brings it in.

My cowl is growing. I'm using the Classy with Cashmere. The colours are amazing. And the yarn is so, so, so soft. My hope is to finish this weekend and then we'll bring the yarn to the Fair. Getting a picture was hard because it is going to be a long cowl that you can double around your neck. It's much longer than the 80cm needle that I'm knitting with. The picture is more about showing the colours.
It's my night to make dinner so I better get going. Beth can be a very grumpy person when she is hungry.


It's a holiday Monday and we need to keep my dad busy. He can't sit around with nothing to do. We asked him to come over and start hanging our pictures. Last night Beth and I laid out these little ones to get an interesting order for putting them on the wall.

If you are wondering about the sock in the middle of the floor. Melo loves socks. He carries them around. He doesn't chew on them. Just likes them in his mouth. Then he drops them and finds others. He is not allowed to touch the hand knit socks. Just the bargain 6 pairs for $10 socks.

The powder room is nice and bright.

There wasn't a post yesterday because I was very busy working on a new project. It is almost finished and I should get it done this afternoon while watching the Ticats and Jays games. Pictures tomorrow. Then I have a few hours of work on the last things for the Fair.

Holiday Weekend Knitting

My secret project. I knit Auburn Wave in tosh ASAP on 15mm needles. Yes, there were a few changes to the pattern - minor ones. I eliminated a few rows. My shawl took 2.5 balls. Talk about a quick project. If I had really tried I could have finished it on Sunday. One day for a shawl. Awesome!! I think there could be another one in my future once Camp is finished.

Dream in Color Classy with Cashmere knit into a great cowl. This took two balls on 5.5mm needles. Some of you might think that the pattern looks familiar :) It's the Technicolor Cowl.

Beth knit Jet-Setter in double strand Misti Chunky on 12mm needles. She thinks she would use 10mm if she was to make another. Any why wouldn't she? It looks great and knit up in an evening.

Beth is chomping at the bit for me to hurry up. America's Got Talent is on. I've been doing the last minute printing for the weekend and getting ready for Camp.

Boxes are being filled in the store. We have to be careful though. Some boxes are for the Fair and some are being shipped to Camp on Monday. I'm not sure if packing for two events at once makes life easier or harder.

Making a list and checking it twice

It's only 3 more sleeps until the Knitters' Fair. That means 2 more sleeps until we set up. I have many lists going and I hope that I have it all.

Customers have been asking what we are taking. Here is a partial list.
madelinetosh ASAP
Freia Bulky
Kits for Gale
Mountain Color Perspective kits
sweetgeorgia party of 5 kits
Freia Fingering
Mrs. Crosby Hat Box
Fiberstory Fave Sock
Dream in Color Classy with Cashmere
Yarn and Soul
Shawl Pins
tosh merino light
Dream in Color Jilly with Cashmere

Wow. I hope it all fits into the van. :)

Party of 5

The Party of 5 kits are packed for the Knitters' Fair. If you are sitting on the fence about a kit, take a look at this super easy, great looking scarf.

The Reverb Shawl is a super-simple top-down shawl or kerchief knit entirely in garter stitch using our new fingering-weight mini-skeins. This heart-shaped shawl is designed to maximize each colour, as one blends into the other with gradually thinner stripes. Arrange the colours as you like them!

The pattern is free on Ravelry...

Not coming to the Fair? Any kits not sold will be coming back to the store. My hope is that all kits will be sold but don't worry because another shipment will be in the store at the beginning of October. You can send me an email and reserve a kit and we'll make sure it comes in the order.

Are you ready for some football? I am and the game is about to start. I hope to blog tomorrow after set up but it will depend on how long it takes and how tired I am.

The Night Before

Dad came and helped with booth set up. I asked him to hang the skeins of Jilly with Cashmere. It was a fairly easy job. Each colour was in it's own bag. Just open the bag and hang on the hook. He got half the display done and decided he didn't like how some of the colours looked beside each other so he started changing things around. Not too bad for the colour blind guy.

Garments will be hung in the morning. If you aren't sure what I'm writing about - we will be at the Knitters' Fair tomorrow in Kitchener, Ontario. Here is the link to the Fair website...

What a busy day

The Knitters' Fair was great yesterday. I understand it was the largest crowd they've ever had.

There are many people to thank
-the organizing committee
-Dad for setting up
-Beth for setting up, taking down, working in the booth, getting up at 6am to make us lunch...
-Lynn, Sarah and Wannietta for working in the booth

-Sarah's husband John for helping with the take down. I stole this picture from Sarah's instagram feed.
From Sarah
John is too cute! He dressed up in the vest I knit him to take me to the Knitters' Fair.
He came dressed in his vest for take down as well. A very well trained yarn husband - always wear your hand knits out to a knitting event.

Cathy finished this shawl right before the show. I love it. Maybe she won't notice if it goes missing???

Today is for resting (and football). Tomorrow we unpack and quickly repack to send boxes up to Camp. I have a new project on the needles - pictures tomorrow.


We're off to our annual knitting retreat this weekend. 
It's been a long day. I was in the store at 7:30 to unpack from the Fair and start repacking for Camp. We're just about finished. I have printing left to do. The Fashion Show brochure in particular but I need to hold off until tomorrow. One of my suppliers is sending many brand new garments and they haven't arrived. Once the boxes get here then I'm good to finish.
I can't wait to get up north. Fresh air. Amazing food. And lots of it. Someone makes my bed every day. Yarn. Knitting. Does it get any better?


Marie Wallin has a new pattern, Sleet, that you can purchase on Ravelry.
Knit this elegant boat neck sweater designed by Marie Wallin using Fine Tweed and Kidsilk Haze. It features 3/4 sleeves and an diamond fair isle pattern all over the body.

My Camp To Do List isn't getting any shorter. It's one step forward and two, maybe three steps back. Thankfully the garments arrived today from my supplier and they look awesome. There will be pictures from Camp. Unfortunately I left the changes to the fashion show brochure in the store. I'll have to go in the morning to get them and then come home to print. There is one major plus to this. I don't have to pack tonight. I can do that tomorrow morning while the printer is going.

Now it's laundry time. I should start thinking about the clothes that are going into the suitcase.

It's not going to be sweater weather this year. Some years it is so cold that I can wear my heavy sweaters but this won't be one of them. The ladies have Friday afternoon off and it looks like many will be sitting by the lake and knitting.

I will try my best to post from Camp. There might not be much writing but there will be lots of pictures.

At the Lake

For 10km before we got here Beth kept saying 'Don't miss it'. 'You need to get into the right lane to turn'. 'I'll cry if I don't get a Webers burger'. She got her burger and fries and all is right in the world.
We got here and unpacked. The mini yarn shop is ready to be set up after breakfast and then we sat on our back porch for a while. What a beautiful afternoon.
Dinner didn't disappoint.
Dollars are back this year.
We made up the goody bags during Big Brother. There are some really good things this year. Our suppliers spoiled the Campers.

We don't have Internet in our cabin so I'm in the main building writing quickly before bed. Tomorrow is a long day so it's time for some rest.

Friday by the Lake

I had every intention of posting last night but it was late and I needed to sleep. 7 am comes early. We're having a great time (I feel like I'm writing a letter home from Camp). Everyone is getting along. The food is very, very good. It was hot and sunny yesterday. Today starting nice but now it's raining. Perfect for an afternoon nap. We have a few people registering now so I'm at the front desk. The perfect time to share some pictures.

Kim's class this morning was extremely quiet. Not a peep actually. They were working on her Optical Delusion pattern which involves short rows. There was a lot of counting but the ladies did great.
The weather was beautiful so my class went outside. You can't beat sitting outside and knitting at then end of September.
Camp games last night. Wendy had to march around the room while knitting. It's not as easy as you think.
A bit of pictionary.

The market place is set up and the ladies are having fun playing with yarn. Now it's time to get ready for the fashion show.

We're home

We had an amazing time at Camp. Thank you to our teachers Kate Atherley and Kim McBrien. The Campers raved about their classes.

I had hoped to blog more often but teaching two classes during the weekend meant less time to sit and write.

We have very talented knitters who come to Camp. I started taking pictures during the student fashion show last night. Then I realized we were going to really slow down the evening if every person had to pose with their garments. Here are a couple to show you the beautiful work we saw.

The weather was great this weekend. A bit of rain on Friday (it rains every year at Camp on Friday) but mostly warm and sunny. Not sweater weather but great for being outdoors. I'm going to miss you Bayview-Wildwood. We'll be back next September.

Very impulsive

I was here early this morning to start unpacking the van. Thankfully it's the last of packing until the Fleece Festival.

On Thursday I received an email from Las Vegas with great hotel rates for this week. I looked online and I could get a plane ticket for not a lot of miles. For the next few days I wavered. Do I go? Yesterday morning I booked the plane ticket. I'm off to Vegas and will be back on Thursday afternoon.
The store will be in good hands and I will be checking in with them daily. I will try and answer emails while I'm away as well.

My plane knitting is Auburn Wave. I think I have the pattern memorized by now :) The yarn is Jilly with Cashmere which is beautiful to knit with.

Now I need to go and pack. 

Vegas Day One

The flight to Vegas was very good. No one sat beside me so I could spread out and knit. We landed at 11pm Vegas time which is 2am at home. I was very tired and went to bed. The morning started with breakfast at The Pantry. A new restaurant in the Mirage.
Who wouldn't love gardens that looked like this? These are real plants inside the Mirage.

After breakfast I headed over to the Fashion Show Mall. I needed a new pair of shoes. My converse had an accident at Camp so now I have a black pair and a denim pair. Two pairs were heavy and it's a long walk from the back of the mall back to the Mirage. I sent a text to Beth telling her that next time she is coming with me - I missed my shopping sherpa.

There was a short afternoon nap and now I'm heading out again. The Internet here is very slow so I'm going to stop adding pictures or this many never publish.

The Conservatory

There hasn't been much knitting while I've been here. Actually, there has been more sleep than you'd expect. The past few weeks were extremely busy at home and I'm catching up on lost sleep.
Auburn Wave in Jilly with Cashmere from Dream in Color. The yarn is great. We've put in an order with Dream in Color for more and hope that we will have it in time for the Woodstock Fleece Festival.

You can't come to Vegas without visiting the Conservatory at the Bellagio. It brings a smile to your face seeing all the flowers and plants. The people who come up with the displays are amazing.

This display makes me smile for another reason. Fall is coming which means that sweater weather is coming.

From the Bellagio website
Admire the essence of every season recreated with exceptionally gorgeous plants, flowers and trees thoughtfully arranged to inspire full splendor. Specially designed lighting spotlights every flower to accentuate its best features. To ensure the Conservatory & Botanical Gardens maintains magnificence 365 days a year, 140 expert horticulturists theatrically arrange gazebos, bridges, ponds, and water features uniquely for each season. Treat yourself to this unrivaled attraction's ever changing personality for the Holidays, Chinese New Year, spring, summer, and fall!

Now it's nap time. I went to bed at 9 last night and was up at 6 this morning. A short nap will let me stay up and watch TV tonight. The Big Brother finale and the first episode of the new Survivor. Then I will get some knitting accomplished.

Jilly with Cashmere

Beth wound my ball of Jilly with Cashmere before I left for Vegas and decided that she needed to knit with it as well. 

She is using one skein to knit That Nice Stitch (a free pattern on Ravelry). The pattern is very straight forward and not hard. She only had one problem while I was away. It took a couple of minutes but I talked her through it and she was able to carry on. There was a bit of a rant that it wasn't fair that I was away when she really needed me.
Auburn Wave is growing. I'm back in the store tomorrow and will get a picture on a mannequin. I talked with Dream in Color today and more skeins will be here in time for the Woodstock Fleece Festival.

Now it's bed time. My time away was great but I need to get my schedule back into this time zone.
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